2017년 3월 30일 목요일

   From the very moment I was walking on dark-hided street, smelling like piles of garbages of fish' I could see some features shivering with tears and doing something. I felt  afraid, but cautiously moved my feet toward them. It liiked they were crouching near the trash cans. I suddenly felt betterflies on my stomach and not knowing that I was also shivering, finally I came infront of the creature. With my cold gifid hand, I hesitately found my flashlight in my pocket. As soon as I was trying to lit the light, one woman shouted "Boys!!! Time for dinner!". Two boys suddenly jumped out with lots of dusts in their hands. Relieved, I continued walking, going deeper and deeper through the dark. Now I regret it. 'Damn, my betterflies are moving crazy in my stomach.; What they were eating weemed to be awesome. It reminded me of Michelin restaurant I've went yesterday. But, the more I approached to their meal, I could do nothing but vomit a bit.I felt so weak. I needed help. Luckly, there was hospitaljust 5 meters away. I walked in, and old manwas sitting at the center. Please..... My stomach hurt so much... But he replied "Get out. It's closed." "But sir.... Please give me at least some sort of treatment..." "None of my business. Shoo!". So here I am, painfully wrinching my stomach, desperatly needing help, shivering on the road. My situation reminded me of the two boys earlier. It feels so lonely and isolated in this society. I need someone to lean on. But there was a stray cat. It looked at me with its glowing tabby eyes, and then walked to a narrow alley with its tail in the air, and runs into dark-hided street. At themoment, I just followed the cat. Without any consiousness, bewareness, but I chased the cat like a gashhawk. Then, I realized I was in the middle as the street. But there was nothing on it. It was dark, gloomy, with some trashes.
Then I woke up. It was a dream.

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