2017년 12월 3일 일요일

On My Funeral

 On my funeral day, everyone who comes to the funeral hall has to be sufficiently happy. I would not want anyone who I once adored cry out surrounding with sever sorrow because of the vacancy of my presence. I would not want every people who were just slightly related to me come to my funeral but rather, I would be really happy just to see the faces who I loved sincerely through my entire life. There must be some of my best friends who shared lots of moments of both ecstasy and burning tears. 
There must be my
beloved parents if they are still alive and if at that time I had my own family, there must be my sweet sweet husband and my proud children. Actually, I believe those people are enough for my funeral. I cast one question. If I look down on my funeral day, what would be the most blissful scenery? I could answer to the question immediately- watching those people, who I would forever love and remember having pleasure and memorable time eating delicious food, sharing joyful moments and thoughts (sometimes about me), laughing with each other without any affectation and fully enjoy the moment by acknowledging the fact that between the past, present and the future, the very present moment is the most valuable time which will never return. The mood should be bright as possible and in the open place of the funeral hall, no one should show their tears. I would want to have some small private rooms in my funeral where each individual could cry out enough and express their own feelings. Therefore, since I don’t want the mood to be gloomy, I would want to put some music lists that I really enjoyed listening during my life which are mostly bright. I hope my funeral would take place no in the ordinary funeral hall but at the church. Not only because I am a Christian, just because to remember myself and the times when I went to church praying for various situations and moments. I don’t want my funeral to be grandiose but I want my friends and families could enjoy the moment and talk about me only with all of their sincerities. Thus, not only because I love beautiful flowers, I want to put lots of flowers especially red and peach colored Chrysanthemum, which stands for lasting love and the color peach stands for happiness and sincerity. For the part eulogy, I would want to write each individual letters for the people once I loved with all my heart and save one long letter which I didn’t write for the individual letters. I would like my loving partner to read my eulogy in front of all the people who came to my funeral since he must be the closest buddy during my lifetime. At the end of my eulogy, I really want to emphasize the importance of the present moments whether it is sad or happy, and the importance of the presence of every people around us. I would want my funeral full of happy laughs so that i could hear and capture those lovely sounds above heaven. 

댓글 1개:

  1. Well written and expressive. Nice to read one that didn't go too wild and was a bit more reflective and sober. Hope you live a long and happy life before this day comes.:)
